
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

OMG! Hi people! I'm so sorry, I haven't been posting lately, and I apologize. I have been busy!! Well, no not really! I just can't be bothered…

Anyways, I'm so freaking bored, I'll update soon… I promise!!!!


I want to go do my nails… and hair, and I want to feel pretty. So, that's what I'm going to do, I think…

I really need entertainment… so tell me, what have you been up to lately? And how's your summer?

Mine has been disgusting, honestly, I want to travel, but my dad and mom are being STUBBORN. Sometimes, I want to shoot them, well not sometimes, all the time. But I'm trying hard not to.


Anyway, I'm going to go now, ciao!


Tamara said...

I lovee how u write the details... But I'm not interested in novels, I like something based on our culture u know? So why don't u start a story cuz mashallah u r talented but like Kuwaiti.. Got what I mean?;p